פרופ' דורית רביד

פרופ' דורית רביד, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, בית ספר לחינוך והחוג להפרעות בתקשורת

I am taking this opportunity to warmly recommend my colleague and friend Dr. Gabi Liberman, an
excellent statistician with whom I have been working on my developmental psycholinguistic research
in the last two decades, starting from 1994. Dr. Liberman has been advising me on all of my
empirical studies – my own work, joint work with colleagues, and the research endeavors of my MA
and doctoral students. He always finds the best solutions for analysis, he has an open mind and is
attentive to questions and problems, always willing to explain every step of the statistical protocol.
Gabi's continued excellent quality of work, insightful and knowledgeable solutions, precision and
reliability in carrying out analyses, together with superb organization skills and positive collaborative
spirit have led us to use his services exclusively in literally dozens of research works.
Over the years, Gabi has advised me on studies in a range of psycholinguistic domains on Hebrew,
Arabic, and English as a second language: experimental structured elicitations of children's
developing language skills such as diminutive forms in Hebrew or noun plurals in Arabic; analyses of
the distribution of linguistic forms and functions in children's peer talk and text production (e.g.,
binyan verb patterns in narratives); studies tracing the development of text production in children,
adolescents and adults, such as story re-telling in Arabic or the relationship between prosody and
reading comprehension in Hebrew; and research on the acquisition of literacy skills such as my
extensive psycholinguistic analysis of spelling patterns in Hebrew. These studies often required
complex and multi-dimensional analyses which were more than adequately met by Gabi's expert
statistical support. Every paper that I have published using quantitative analyses has consequently
used Gabi's statistical infrastructure, and they have always withstood the rigorous and demanding
requirements of journals' peer review processes. I can say with certainty that he is the best-trained
and most experienced statistical advisor on psycholinguistic issues in Israel.
It is thus my pleasure to recommend Dr. Gabi Liberman's expert services. I know that many of my
colleagues, like me, rely on his expertise.


Dorit Ravid, Professor
School of Education and the Department of Communications Disorders, Tel Aviv University, Israel.



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