פרופ' מיכל שני

פרופ' מיכל שני, אוניברסיטת חיפה, בי"ס לחינוך

Recommendation for the work of Dr. Gabi Liberman – Expert on statistics and research methods

During the past 14 years, Dr. Gabi Liberman has provided me with expert advice on methodology and statistical analyses for my research. A significant part of the studies I have published have involved cooperation with renowned researchers throughout the world, and they have shown immense appreciation for Dr. Liberman's work.

Dr. Liberman is, first and foremost, a researcher and a methodologist. He has a thorough understanding of the study designs with which he is presented, and provides a precise examination of these designs and the associated variables before and during performance of the research itself. He can be consulted on important decisions regarding the analysis and presentation of results. His contribution is particularly substantial in selecting the appropriate methods of statistical analysis for different types of studies. He has applied a variety of methods to my research, as evident in the following examples. For a study examining the relationship between mothers' anxiety and understanding of reading disability and these same measures in their children with reading disabilities, Dr. Liberman suggested dyadic analysis of variations within and between associated couples. For several studies in which I investigated the effects of different variables on reading abilities, he applied models examining direct effects, including MANOVA, ANCOVA, MANCOVA, and GLM analyses, as well as models examining mediating variables, such as mediation and moderation analyses. Over the years, I have developed various tools for the assessment of language and learning disabilities in Hebrew, and Dr. Liberman has helped me evaluate their validity and reliability using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and cluster analysis. When I have worked with large samples to examine variables explaining the variability in reading abilities among different age groups, Dr. Liberman has applied structural equation models that test sets of complex hypotheses. Liberman's work is meticulous and he has shown great responsibility throughout the time that I have worked with him.


Prof. Michal Shany, Director, 'YAHEL', University Clinic for learning Disabilities



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